Monday, September 14, 2009

Decorum, Outburst, Parry, Thrust, Riposte!

Today, in a fit of pique, I decided to parry with and take a tilt a pop culture reporting. What an utter waste of time. To prove that it is thus, I "retweet" it here, to use the vernacular.

Decorum is dead! Long live the outburst! --at

If this article had not been published, would it have made a noise? --my letter to the Editor
(anywhere else this would just be a feedback forum, but Salon pretends to be a print rag)

Why do I waste my time reading such dreck, and then compound it by writing to rail against it? And then pile insult on injury by reposting it here, spreading the virus without a sleeve to my sneeze? Because, dear reader, without it, the interwebs would implode from the vacuum.

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